Wednesday, August 14, 2019

10/6/16 Dream: Miracle Crop & a Vision

10/6/16 Dream

I dreamed I came into a parking lot. There were Christians all in the parking lot. It was a bright sunny day. There were many teenagers but me and one of the pastors at my church were the only adults I recognized. In the dream, I recognized some of teens but upon awakening I didn’t remember who the teens were.

At one point I looked around and realized there was a woman who looked to be around my age but I didn’t know her. She was taller than me & she was slender. 

One of the youth looked as though he was having a hard time emotionally. The elderly pastor of my church took the young man into this building (it wasn't a church) to counsel him.

I somehow knew this woman was also a Christian and I began to speak with her. Ministry was going on all around me with these teenagers. I talked just a few moments with this woman. I asked her about where she'd gone to church in the past. She didn't share much and seemed hesitant and cautious. She didn't ever answer but we talked a few minutes about God.

At some point I look over into an area of land that looked like dry dirty sand. Nothing grew in it.I knew this area as though I had been keeping my eye on it for a good amount of time.I walked over the hard sand. It was a very dark gray and had the black streaks in it and was very dead. But I saw greenery in the distance though and began to walk toward it with great delight. There was this perfect row of green grass and good soil that had not been there before. Before, this area was just the dirty sand. It was a miracle! And it wasn't as though it had grown irregularly or 'wild'. This row was planted and tended by someone. I stepped back from the row to see that nothing was growing in the row before it yet but the ground was very moist. I knew though there was nothing green growing here yet, that soon there would be another row as the soil turned good.I remember saying to myself, 'It finally happened! It's finally happening!'
I reached down into the moist area and ran my fingers through the sand, looking on it. 

Then within this dream, I had a vision:
I saw a lot of smoke. I never saw flames or fire but I saw a great amount of smoke. I saw a home in the distance. It was a single level, small white house. I watched the smoke going into this house. This house wasn't burning, though. Then I saw the smoke pouring out of the windows and doors of this house.- the vision ended

I found myself in the parking lot again and was drawing a picture of my vision. I used a white crayon for the smoke. At this point this woman was beside me again and looking at what I was drawing. We were trying to figure out what prophecies meant.


I’m not sure what most of the dream means. I only know this is a dream from God. Here are some thoughts I have about the dream that may be interpretations from God but I’m not certain 100%.

Being outdoors can often represent ministry in my dreams. Out in the mission field. I believe this is what the outdoors is about in this dream.

There are often a lot of teens or young people in my dreams. I know this is significant bc they are the future & the last generation, most likely. The young people that are Christians are strong, passionate & will be the future leaders of the body of Christ. I believe we live in the last of the last days & they have some serious responsibilities. I cannot say what they mean beyond this. I read an article recently that said the young people are filling up the NAR churches right now bc the principles of the NAR is appealing to young people bc it has emotionally charged perspectives, creative focused & stays exciting. The Dominionists have a fast food Christianity that teens & young people truly eat up. Instant blessing. Immediate need met. No need to read & pray which requires effort. This is the appeal of the NAR. Our children are very susceptible to its deceptions. True Christianity doesn’t appeal to those who want immediate fixes & experiences with God. Few young people will be giving their lives to the Lord, it seems. But they will be overflowing in the compromised church (NAR).

The elderly pastor represents several things, I believe. This pastor represents a generation that is soon to be gone as he is very elderly. In real life, this pastor is extremely patriotic & supportive of NAR beliefs. We have not had a good relationship. But I have always respected him as a man of God. I love his wife very much. She is very dear to my heart.

The distraught boy being taken indoors (out of the ministry field) symbolizes a real problem in the church between the two generations. The mentoring & pastoral care of young people is lacking true help & long term health. Issues that people have regarding abuse do not get fully healed in this environment bc true deep healing comes with time & hard work. This is the only thing I feel God is showing me about this so far.

The woman in the parking lot has to be someone I have not yet come to know. I have no idea why this is in this dream but nothing is without meaning. Perhaps we will have ministry todo together? I really do not know.

The field of dirty sand that I look at from time to time represents prophetic things God has shown me. It’s me looking at the world in search of things coming to pass Gods shown me in dreams & visions.

The crop growing miraculously is the surprise when it happens because the dreams & visions seem so implausible to me.

The white house  represents the church, I think. I have not been given more meaning about this yet.

The smoke represents God’s judgements, I think. I have not been given more meaning about this. I do know the doors & windows seemed like they were blown open by the smoke as it entered. Then the smoke flowed out.

Me drawing out what I saw in my vision with the other woman watching is about ministry. I have no meaning other than this.

God will give me meaning when He is ready for me to know. 

Note: The dream about the woman on the gurney shows youths entering the ‘false’ church in droves. 

Sunday, August 4, 2019

What We Learned as Devout Conservative Christians

I thought I should share something. There was a time when my husband and I supported the conservative Christian community with 100% support for the Republican Party as the ones who would end abortion and ‘return’ the USA to the Christian nation is once was. Something changed this. And it’s important to share this testimony. One reason it is important is because it may help those who come across my blog, or videos or videos where I am a guest why we no longer believe this.

My husband is a true man of God. He’s a called and anointed prophet, pastor and teacher. We both had been told by the Lord about one another. We were shown the spirit of whom we would be espoused to. We dated 2 years and married in 1994.

We went to church together shortly after we met. He came to my church and was baptized in the Holy Spirit and we grew in the Lord. 

Not long after we married, he found employment in one of the largest evangelical conservative Christian institutions in the United States. We supported their ideas and acts. We came to revere the Republican Party as the party we should support due to our Christian views. We signed petitions, participated in boycotts and my husband was a treasure to this organization. My husband was given the position as a manager of one of their many radio stations and when money was short to support the local station, he worked without pay, took a 2nd job to support his family and the body of Christ. 

We began to attend more meetings and events of this organization. And we started seeing things that troubled us. We learned of ulterior motives and began to question certain activity of the organization.i

It was painful to learn that this group we promoted and served were operating in outright sin and greed. We came to see while they advocated some issues strongly, they did not advocate others that were some of the base tenants  of Christ’s teachings. And this caused us to question the organization as a whole. As we looked into the methods used to accomplish what is Biblically correct we started seeing that they weren’t only ineffective but harmful, turning many lost souls away. 

We got into the Word of God voraciously. We began praying more and asking for God to lead us into what we should do. In a short time, we came to see that we were being lied to and given misinformation. We were lead to researching American history for the absolute truth about America as a Christian nation. We learned, to our shock that most of the forefathers were deists and not Christians. Some composed their own bible, cutting out portions they disagreed with, lived immoral secret lives and were part of a secret society called Freemasonry.

During this time, I came to understand how I had been abused by a secret Satanic cult under the guise and legal protection of the Freemasons. It was a difficult discovery and I sought the Lord for healing and truth. 

The Word of God was opened up to us in a powerful way. We came to see Christ’s true teachings and warnings and this organization and others like it were teaching scripture in error. 

As we continued to study American history and the Bible, it became clear that American wasn’t a Christian nation. It was a nation that promoted a non Christian idea called Freedom of Religion. Christ does not condone such a view. Thomas Jefferson fought for Muslims to practice without persecution. Christ wouldn’t condone this and you won’t find any Muslims following Christ in truth. Can anyone argue with this? If you do, you argue with the Word of God.

We found out that a lot of Republican politicians weren’t Christians and many didn’t truly care about abortion or any other issue. They simply wanted a powerful position. Some were suspiciously dark. And I believe many were involved in the broader group that abused me. I was abused by secret Satanists as a child and most of them held positions in the church and community promoting Christ by mouth but cursing him in darkness. If you want to know more of my testimony, please go to the You Tube channel called A Minute to Midnite where I share with Tony Koretz and Joanie Stahl.

This experience of finding out that this  large organization we served with and loved was not what we thought was very difficult. It was painful but we grew. It pushed us deeper in prayer and deeper into the Word of God.

As we came to see that high reverence of America and high patriotism was actually idolatry, we abandoned that part (which is big among most conservative Christians). Now, let me be clear here. We do not hate America. We’re blessed to have been born here and grow up with the freedom to practice Christ openly, have freedom of speech, press, fair trial, the right to bear arms and much more.

But we stopped supporting the Republican Party after all we learned. It’s been hard in ways because we can find no churches that do not bring American patriotism idol worship into their services and who do not support the party. We experienced such dislike for saying we did not agree with the party. A few times we we felt afraid in their midst. We’ve left 2 churches since and the church we now attend is pretty much the same. We love our brothers and sisters in Christ in all these churches and can serve with them. We just can’t discuss anything political. We keep our views to ourselves when worshipping. We have walked out of a few services for idolatry. Once when a beloved pastor we love dearly put the idol of the Statue of Liberty (Ishtar) on the alter for a 4th of July service and others for many flags and songs sung with little mention of Christ but of America. We don’t pledge allegiance to the flag. We consider it wrong to commit allegiance to anyone other than Christ Jesus.

There’s so many things we do in this country that we don’t think twice about. And we need to.

Once a man in an online prophecy group told me that the American Constitution was equal to the Bible. When I told him this isn’t true he lashed back harshly against me and I was ostracized harshly by the members of the entire group. There’s many MANY stories I could share of being persecuted for opposing such ideas. But Jesus warned us all that we would be persecuted. And when I was 19 and a devout Republican conservative Christian, the Lord showed me specifically that He would have me speak truth to people but most would not hear and I would experience a lot of rejection and persecution from the congregation. He specifically told me that it would be Christians who would persecute me. At 19 I had no idea what it all meant. And I was 29 when I came to see the truths about the Republican Party (and know that I do see the great corruption of the Democratic Party. This isn’t a leftist view). It was also when I did an in depth study into American history and the truth of how the rights are not Christian. We are told in the commandments to serve God and only God. Freedom of religion directly opposes this. I’m thankful for the rights we have but it is a fact that the commandments and American law is not the same.

I hope in some way this helps people understand my position and the position my husband also holds. Many accuse him of being political in his posts and responses but if you look closely, you will see the gift of prophecy. He desires to provoke thought, prayer, scripture reading, fact finding and living for Christ in spirit and in truth.

Politics is Deceiving Most Christians

The Lord showed me in 2001 (18 years ago) that we would see the right and left political wings become more & more divided resulting in a devastation for the USA. About a year later the Lord gave me one of the strongest dreams I’ve had. The dream was about the Republican Party killing the Republican Party. I was shaking & crying. Several years after this I saw a man who is truly evil to his core being supported by the Republican Party. I was shocked! I asked the Lord ‘Why?!’ I was told ‘Because they will be desperate.’

Was this man Barack Obama? No. Was this man Donald Trump? No. He has yet to come. So please, please hear this & pray about this.

People tend to think I’m a leftist and am deceived. I’ve been kicked out of groups for sharing these things, called more names that I can think of, laughed at, ridiculed, bad mouthed & rejected for sharing these ‘controversial’ dreams. People have thought I share these because I am in support of the Democratic Party. That alone shows how bad the civil division is. I have no leftist ulterior motive. These are dreams & things the Lord has shown me & I was told to share them. I was also told I would be rejected by the majority of Christians. And that has all been true. Jesus was rejected by his own house; people who studied the Word, knew the teachings & anticipated the Messiah’s coming. 

Now, I’m no way am I saying I equal with Christ. But I was commanded to be like Christ, to follow his teachings of compassion, love & humility.

I was shown that the majority of Christians will choose to support ideas of harm. It is a powerful & highly calculated plan of deception by those who are in charge that are above both parties. I’m speaking of demons who have dominion over people holding high political positions in America.

The ultimate evidence that has turned up that demonstrates the deception of the majority of the American church is that they have their mind and effort fixed on abortion as evil, murder & the worst evil for we are to treasure life. They support this and have been lead to focus on this almost singularly. 

When the illegal immigrant babies & children were torn from their families, we’re abused & some died these Christians were not outraged. Many often began blaming the parents (as if these innocent children had no CHOICE in crossing the border). These innocent lives are just as sacred as the unborn yet the hypocrisy among believers who support the unborn is rampant.

 All life is sacred. Outrage should be the same for ALL who cannot choose to live or die.

See this as a red flag. Can we look at this and see the hypocrisy? Rather than supporting Christ’s teachings most are supporting the agenda of a political party. This is it plain & simple. This political party is the GOP, the Republican Party. 

These in political positions are deceptive people who are greedy, taking God’s name in vain (for votes) by saying they are pro-life & saying they are Christians but produce no fruit of & have innocent blood on their hands.

I say NOTHING positive of the leftist Democrats except that they openly follow various religions & openly do not claim to support Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Holy Bible. 

I myself, speak of Christ & His teachings ALONE! His word is the highest word! I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God first. 

I will continue to be told I am wrong by the Christian majority in America. But as one who has been giving warnings & told to warn, I must do so for I will one day answer to God, whom I appropriately fear.

Those in the Republican Party deceiving you & using you are powered by the only enemy of the Christian church, Satan. They have managed to divert your perceptions & energies by sophisticated means. 

As believers, we must ask God to cleanse us of political influence. We must return solely to the Word of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as citizens first to the Kingdom of God.

I’ve had many dreams of this & many visions of this for 30 years. I love all brethren dearly. And I pray for true unity to come to the body of Christ Jesus in America so that we can effectively win the lost to Jesus Christ.- Kim Weir