Wednesday, July 31, 2024

2024 Messages & Connections to Past Dreams & Messages

 Vision 7/31/24

In prayer, I placed the true church in God’s hands. I then placed the false church in His hands. I saw the false church fall out of God’s hands due to the blood of the saints. It fell like a raft over a waterfall only it wasn’t water. It was blood; the blood of the true church.

I prayed about the coming election and I sense something major is going to happen before the election. I believe it will work in favor of Trump or those in power behind Trump.

I just saw Kenneth Copeland with hate in his eyes, like a devil. I have been told that he is truly a Satanist along with other televangelists. I believe this is true. Some say his name is Snake Eyes.

I see the woman on the stretcher at the end of the dream. She is in the background of a pickup truck. She seems to be smiling.

I see the blue covering over the USA, a vision I had in 2016 before Trump was president. I remember seeing it from the sky over the nation. I felt we a coldness & that we were alone. Isolated. I may have heard that word. Later that year I had another vision of it from space then I was on the ground. I reached up to touch it and my hand went through it. The feeling I had was that we were lied to about this ‘blue bubble’ protecting us. It was a false sense of safety. The USA was vulnerable to outsiders. Idk if this vision has come to pass. But the other message I heard today  about something happening before the election makes me think it possibly hasn’t happened yet.

I see the Queen. I see the house that I think is a little humble church painted in white from a dream about the miraculous crop. I see what I saw in the dream. It was a vision in the dream. The doors and windows seemed to burst open and they were forced open by smoke. It was empty inside.

Idk why I’m seeing bits of other dreams & visions. It often happens when I pray about America and a coming election or political things.

I have a hard time seeing Kamala Harris as president. It seems so difficult to happen. I’m not sure what I think about her as I know so little and haven’t prayed much about her. But something came to mind about a dream someone shared on You Tube in a video but the man who had this dream has since deleted the dream. I do remember that in his dream about the 2016 election, Trump was president but then he saw a woman that looked Latino but younger with him. I’ve always had my eye out for this woman. And can’t help now but wonder if it represents Kamala Harris now that she & Trump are running for president. Oddly, in the dream military planes came flying in as if there was some kind of attack. In Washington DC.

I’ve been shown something major happens before the election. Is it what I’m being warned about? Or merely a confirmation?

I think the billionaires behind Trump may do something drastic. Though most likely we will not connect it to them. It will be well done.

I also think of a vision I had of Biden back before Obama was elected. I heard something like ‘not long left on the planet.’ I felt this was me mishearing God. It’s troubled me since then. Have I misheard God often? I always pray about this. I am only human and quite cerebral so it is possible. But when he pulled out of the presidential race, I wondered if what I heard was about this. It shocked many of us. A sudden decision to step out of the race. 

I’d also heard that Trump wouldn’t be president for long regarding his 2016 win. He didn’t win a 2nd term. Yet his decisions have brought GREAT destruction to America mostly by his pick of justices for the Supreme Court. He picked 3 which is a big number. They are defying the Constitution horribly. The right to privacy for humans and power over their bodies is one of the biggest which is terribly concerning. Especially when I think of the dream about the hospital where our rights mattered no longer. In that dream they use something like a taser on me & I lose my ability to speak and walk for a time.

I had other dreams of hospitals also. Both dreams many years ago. In one dream 2 very young girls of minority race were having babies and the babies were being experimented on. I told them their babies were in danger and those in charge were evil. They didn’t believe me. It seemed they were brainwashed.

The other dream from long ago was me waking up from a state of unconsciousness that was caused by drugs. I woke and pulled out an IV. I then saw many people in the same state. I began removing their IVs and rousing them. We then tried to escape. It may have been in this dream we were running away after contending with a nurse that had me thinking she was good but then she turned evil. As we ran out into the night, I was at the rear of the group. I heard gunshots fire and I was shot down but the others escaped.

I believe what we have seen happen  in this country since 2016, less than a decade, has been unprecedented. Immigration horrors, the Insurrection at the Capitol building & several decisions by the Supreme Court. 

I believe there is a very good chance that we will see an escalation of such change within the next several years.

The dream of the white airplanes comes to mind. Water throughout the dream defies physics. Also, people’s response to it was unusual. At the end of that dream Randy and I climbed into one of these solid white airplanes that hold 2 people (Kaydet). There were 3 seats though as an angel was in the first seat. I sat in the middle & Randy behind me. There were white planes like this taking off there but not more than 30 is my guess. 

Does this mean we will be raptured? Or simply leave when things get worse? 

My brother helped me into the plane but it seemed he was staying. But he was at peace and gave me a smile. I was a little afraid at this part of the dream bc I didn’t have a helmet. But was told not to worry about it. It’s the only time I was afraid in the entire dream though other people were running out of the building we’d all been in in great fear. 

Before we went out of the building Randy and I had found one another. Early in the dream I was in an empty classroom. This empty classroom may mean ‘no more students.’ Timothy, my youngest graduated homeschool in May this year. I do realize this empty classroom may mean that there’s no one else for me to teach or warn. 

Randy and I find one another and it is rather miraculous for some reason. He told me to get rid of my phone and he led

the way out to the airplane.

Will our phones be something we must leave behind? Does the plane signify something else? Technology? Or worldliness? It is a symbol of distraction and even addiction for many.

I know I’ve shared a lot of these past dreams before. But I still choose to bring them into this post since they are things that came to mind.

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